湾区经济发展联盟将为贵公司的搬迁或扩建项目谈判一个激励方案. An incentive award could include tax refunds and exemptions, workforce training and, for qualifying projects, even cash grants from local, regional and state resources. For eligible projects, award amounts are based on many factors, including a number of jobs, wage levels, employee benefit packages, capital investment, financial history, economic impact and amount of incentive awards from competing communities.
Economic Development Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption
The Bay County Board of Commissioners, 巴拿马城和林恩黑文市为商业地点的有形个人财产和不动产改善提供了长达10年的地方财产税减免. In order to qualify, a company must first meet the definitions of a new or expanding business as stated in s. 196.012 (15) and (16), F.S.
CareerSource Gulf Coast and Job Center Services
CareerSource Gulf Coast是佛罗里达州24个地区菠菜稳台子委员会之一. 它被特许解决海湾,海湾和富兰克林县的菠菜稳台子和培训需求. The vehicle for providing employer and job seeker services is the Job Center, a one-stop-shop for Bay County employers’ human resources needs. 就业中心提供免费的综合服务,帮助公司进行招聘工作和员工管理. These services include employee recruitment, applicant screening, applicant testing, conference room space and access to business machines. For more information on training services, click here.
Streamlined Permitting
Bay County understands the importance of certainty, predictability, and efficiency in government regulations. 湾县委员会的县专员与佛罗里达州的监管机构一起工作,以提供更快, 在不降低环境标准的情况下,为重大经济发展项目提供成本更低、更可预测的许可程序.
Target Industry Incentives
Capital Investment Tax Credit (CITC)
资本投资税收抵免用于吸引和发展佛罗里达州的资本密集型产业. It is an annual credit, provided for up to 20 years, against the corporate income tax. 符合条件的项目是在下列部门指定的高影响部分:清洁能源, biomedical technology, financial services, information technology, silicon technology, transportation equipment manufacturing, or be a corporate headquarters facility. 项目还必须创造至少100个就业机会,并投资至少2500万美元的合格资本成本. Eligible capital costs include all expenses incurred in the acquisition, construction, installation, 一个项目从开始建设到开始运营的设备. 投资水平和项目在开始运营后20年内的佛罗里达州企业所得税义务决定了年度抵免的金额.
High Impact Performance Incentive (HIPI)
高影响力绩效激励是一项协商拨款,用于吸引和发展佛罗里达州的主要高影响力设施. In order to participate in the program, 该项目必须在下列部门的指定高影响部分内运行:清洁能源, corporate headquarters, financial services, life sciences, semiconductors and transportation equipment manufacturing; create at least 50 new, full-time equivalent jobs (if a R&D facility, company must create at least 25 new, full-time equivalent jobs) in Florida in a three-year period; and make a cumulative investment in the state of at least $50 million (if a R&D设施,在三年内累计投资至少2500万美元). If approved, 高影响力的企业在开始运营时获得50%的合格赠款,在实现充分就业和资本投资目标后获得剩余的赠款.
Qualified Defense and Space Contractor Tax Refund (QDSC)
佛罗里达州致力于保护和发展其高科技就业基础,为佛罗里达州提供国防, 国土安全和空间业务承包商在合并合同或分包合同方面具有竞争优势, acquiring new contracts or converting contracts to commercial production. 在佛罗里达州创造或保留工作的预先批准的申请人可以获得3美元的退税,000 per net new, full-time equivalent job created or retained.
Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund (QTI)
合格目标行业(QTI)退税计划为佛罗里达州合格目标行业的公司在佛罗里达州设立新设施或扩大佛罗里达州现有设施提供激励. The program provides tax refunds on corporate income, sales, ad valorem, intangible personal property, insurance premium and certain other taxes, at $3,000 per new job created. 对于支付高于该县平均年工资150%的企业,可以获得更高的奖励. New or expanding businesses in selected targeted industries, paying at least 115% of the county’s average annual wage, 对社区有重大积极影响并得到当地支持的项目才有资格.
Workforce Training Incentives
Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
佛罗里达州的在职工人培训(IWT)计划为在职工人提供培训,以保持佛罗里达州的菠菜稳台子在全球经济中的竞争力,并保留现有的业务. 该项目适用于佛罗里达州所有在申请前已运营至少一年并需要对现有员工进行技能升级培训的企业. Priority is given to businesses in targeted industries, Enterprise Zones, HUB Zones, Inner City Distressed areas, Rural Counties and areas, and Brownfield areas.
Quick Response Training (QRT)
佛罗里达州的快速反应培训(QRT)计划是一项雇主驱动的培训计划,旨在帮助新的或扩展的企业. 该方案是灵活的和结构化的快速响应,以满足业务培训目标. A local training provider – school district, technical center, community college, 州立学院或大学-被选中并可协助申请过程和项目开发或交付. If the business has a training program in place, 国家培训机构将监督和管理培训计划,并作为拨款资金的财政代理. Reimbursable training expenses include instructors’/ trainers’ salaries, curriculum development, textbooks/manuals and materials/supplies.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a Federal tax credit incentive for private, 以营利为目的的雇主雇用福利领取者和其他特殊群体的个人.
Governor's Job Growth Grant Fund
佛罗里达就业增长基金的设立是为了通过改善公共基础设施和加强菠菜稳台子培训来促进经济机会. 这包括支持州立大学和州立技术中心提供的项目的菠菜稳台子培训补助金.
Infrastructure Incentives
Economic Development Transportation Fund
The Economic Development Transportation Fund, commonly referred to as the "Road Fund,是一种激励工具,旨在缓解对特定公司选址或扩张决策产生不利影响的交通问题. 奖励金额基于新增和保留的工作岗位数量以及符合条件的运输项目成本, up to $3 million. 该奖项代表某一特定企业颁发给当地政府,用于改善公共交通.
Governor's Job Growth Grant Fund